Raw, uncooked quinoa is 13% water, 64% carbohydrates, 14% protein, and 6% fat. Nutritional evaluations indicate that a 100 g (3+1⁄2 oz) serving of raw quinoa seeds is a rich source (20% or higher of the Daily Value, DV) of protein, dietary fiber, several B vitamins, including 46% DV for folate, and the dietary minerals magnesium, phosphorus, and manganese (table).
After boiling, which is the typical preparation for eating the seeds, quinoa is 72% water, 21% carbohydrates, 4% protein, and 2% fat.[1] In a 100 g (3+1⁄2 oz) serving, cooked quinoa provides 503 kJ (120 kcal) of food energy and is a rich source of manganese and phosphorus (30% and 22% DV, respectively), and a moderate source (10–19% DV) of dietary fiber, folate, and the dietary minerals iron, zinc, and magnesium (table).
Quinoa is gluten-free.[2] Because of the high concentration of protein, ease of use, versatility in preparation, and potential for increased yields in controlled environments,[3] it has been selected as an experimental crop in NASA‘s Controlled Ecological Life Support System for long-duration human occupied space flights.